Saturday, January 14, 2017

I'm a Grandpa?!

          Hey blog viewers! This is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned... (haha just kidding). So I would love to announce, as I already have on all social media, that my Dalmatian Molly (fish), Alexis, is carrying her first fry (definition: young fish, especially when newly hatched).
Alexis in her hatchery.
          When I upgraded to a bigger and better tank, from one to 20 gallons, I decided to put some more fish with my betta, Artie. Now I have a Koi fish named Mojo, two Dalmatian Mollies named Noah and Alexis, and Artie. I decided to go with Alexis and Noah because they are a type of species known to reproduce (though I didn't know it would be so soon). Since I've been with them, Noah and Alexis have been 100% inseparable and haven't left each others side, until now. Due to the fact that fish are notorious for eating their own babies, and due to the fact that Mojo eats everything, I have had to isolate her in a fish hatchery. I've also just read that her fry could contain up to 20 babies, and since I have her in isolation, all of them should live and prosper! Looks like I'm going to be a
grandfather, considering I act like they are my children (which they are!).

         Now reading this I totally seem like a "fish person", (which is a term that should never have a negative connotation) and for those who don't know me, that is EXACTLY what I am and everyone who has heard me talk about my fish (as if they are real people) would agree. Everything in my life reminds me of my fish, whether it be social or in solitude. Also, who doesn't like fish? You must be a real hater to say "I hate fish" because they are the most calm and peaceful pets. Although, Artie and Mojo did fight the first time I put them together, but its all good now. So now that you know of my children they will come up in other stories because they play a big part in my life, keeping my entertained for hours on edge.

Also if you have anything you want me to write about, comment and I'll discuss it, because trust me I know reading about my children probably won't be the highlight of your day! And if you would like to collaborate on anything that's also fun, I'm doing two projects now and hope to have them up soon!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. you had to put the fresh prince reference in there and now it's stuck in my head ��
